Celebrating the life of Dr. George Seidel Jr.

Weekly Announcements from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Please join us for a virtual celebration of life for Dr. George Seidel Jr. onWednesday October 6th at 6:00 a.m. MST/ 12:00 p.m. GMT


*See program schedule, Zoom link and tribute below


*If you have photos of Dr. George Seidel Jr. that you'd like to contribute to a slideshow effort, you can submit them to this OneDrive link by Oct. 3. Questions can be sent to jennifer.barfield@colostate.edu.  


Virtual Program:


Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96195482835?from=addon  


Master of Ceremony: Dr. Richard Bowen, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CSU


6:00 a.m: Welcome from Dr. Colin Clay, Interim Dean of CVMBS, CSU


6:05 - 7:00 a.m: Comments from colleagues of Dr. George Seidel:


-Dr. Michael Kane, Dept. of Physiology, National University of Ireland

-Dr. John Hasler, Vetoquinol and Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CSU

-Dr. Rupert Amann, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CSU

-Dr. Terry Nett, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CSU

-Dr. Richard Bowen, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CSU

-Dr. Matthew Wheeler, Dept. of Animal Sciences, CSU

-Dr. Jennifer Barfield, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, CSU


-Dr. Tod Hansen, ARBL Director, CSU


7:00 a.m: Opportunity for others to comment


8:30 a.m: Closing comments


For attendees present at the Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory, light breakfast and coffee/tea will be served after the program.


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