Practitioners forum

AETE proudly presents the Practitioners Forum 2022. This 1.5 h event will take place during the afternoon of our first meeting day, September 15th. Three main topics will be covered in an interactive way.


Firstly, we will discuss the current status of the availability of porcine pituitary-derived FSH products on the market. The FSH providers on the European market will give a brief update and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. 
Next, we will cover several important aspects of donor heifer management, where practitioners will share recent experiences and new data. We hope to formulate attractive recommendations and for that, we invite you to join a fruitful discussion. 
Finally, with the generous support of Calier, a new tool will be presented. This tool is a software developed to evaluate the economic value of different breeding and embryo technologies strategies. Its objective is to help practitioners to show the economic viability and investment return for a specific farm.

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